The Flaming Hot Five Reasons Why Tag ;P

Hello again potatoes and Coffee Bugs! I've been tagged! Haha, I have to say this was something I never thought I'd actually do! :D So let's get started!

I was tagged by McKayla from The Tales of a Triple Threat! So thank you for including me in this tag, McKayla!

So the rules are:

1. Post these rules.

2. You must add the name of the blog that tagged you (🠉) and the founders (of this tag's) blogs:  Thoughts All Sorts and Realweegiemidget Reviews with links to their blogs.

3. List 5 of your most swoon-worthy characters from TV shows or movies.

4. Choose 5 reasons why you like them in 5 sentences or points.

5. Link up to 5 other bloggers.

6. Add pictures, GIFs, and/or videos of your chosen characters.

 1# Craig (Daniel Radcliff) from Miracle Workers Season 1:

1. He is ridiculously cute!
2. He is socially awkward and he has a big heart and he strives to do good even if he messes up in the funniest ways possible.
3. I like him more than Harry Potter (who was close to being on this list) because Craig's got less of a heroic personality, and to me he'd be more comfortable to be around.
4. His life on Earth was so sad, and it just goes to show that he was shunned for most of his life and afterlife.😟
5. He just really needs a hug! 💗

2# Tony DiNozzo (Michael Weatherly) from NCIS:

1. Honestly, he's just amazing! (After season 2.)
2. He's the comic relief of NCIS, and he's always cracking jokes or saying something witty, and he's always quoting from movies!
3. He can be serious when he needs to be, and he has a certain charm!!!
4. His relationship with Ziva; I mean, it's perfection!
5. He is caring and protective over Ziva and his daughter.

3# Captain James Tiberius Kirk (Chris Pine) Star Trek 2009- 2016:

1. I really like how he starts out immature and doesn't take anything seriously, but improves and becomes more serious throughout the 1st movie.
2. I like most of his expressions and his blue eyes, and don't forget his hair... ;P
3. He's willing to sacrifice himself to save his crew, making his death scene the saddest in the movies.
4.  I like the way his name sounds. James Tiberius Kirk...
5. Come on, that apple scene!!!

4# Tom Paris (Robert Duncan McNeill) From Star Trek Voyager:

1. He's there when they need him!
2. I like how he's playful, goofy, and messes around a lot, but still takes his job seriously.
3. I love how he's so supportive of B'Elanna.
4. He created the Delta Flyer, and that's pretty cool.
5. I love his sense of humor, especially when he turned Harry Kim's holographic girlfriend into a cow!!!

#5 Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) from Bones:

1. I remember the first time seeing Bones on TV and immediately loving this character!

2.  He is protective and brave and not afraid to get in harm's way if it saves someone else. :)

3. His expression when he's dumb founded...

4. His name is fun to say: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTHHHH

5. I don't know, he's just enjoyable. 🙃

Well, that was interesting and weird at the same time! I had fun doing this, but I felt a bit embarrassed so it took me a lot longer to finish than it should have... As you'll probably notice, most of the characters are very similar! What a coincidence....

And now, the person I will tag!


I definitely do not feel awkward...



  1. This is such an enjoyable post, Yokoshi! These are all great characters. 🥰 The GIF at the very beginning is hilarious, and I can't get enough of the Captain Kirk and Tom Paris scenes.😂 I also just posted my five choices, and I feel exactly the same as the kitty you drew! 😅

  2. I don't know all of these characters, but I really like the ones I do know. Especially Tony and Booth [and, yes Booth's name is fun to say].


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