Haha, another holiday picture!Don't worry;I'm working on something slightly more interesting for next week!But in the meantime, I drew this for Earth Day.
Hello, and welcome back to another lame post from me! I've been thinking about some series I have watched in the past years and thought I'd share them with you all. These are not all of them; just a few I really enjoyed! The Top 5 Series I'd Recommend: #1 Load Aim Burn I've been waiting for this series for ages! Episode 1 is out and episode 2 is in production. You might recognize the creator from my 5 Artists and Animators I Admire post, Asha Phaedra. There is not a lot to say, but I really hope someone watches this. Load Aim Burn Episode 1: #2 Accursed Why is this number 2? Well this series has no episodes out yet! Ok, well, sorta. Accursed is being rebooted. It already has 2 old episodes out, but the creator, Atsuoru, wanted to remake it. But the prologue is out, so if you watch it, tell me what you think. :) Accursed Prologue: #3 Dragon's Blood This one's about cats! I know, the name is deceiving... :P Nah, the main character, Sky, is part dragon....
Hello! Long time no see! I like just disappearing... :) Sometimes life gets in the way! Soooo, here's an update! ___________________________________________________________ I got Artblock. So no inspiration to draw. Then my drawing tablet started to malfunction: my express keys wouldn't work and my pen wasn't working the way it should either. Then I got a new drawing tablet. I've been wanting a bigger screen tablet (Pen Display) and it was on offer. I was soooooo excited! I've been waiting 2 years for one! But when it arrived I found out my laptop does not have an HDMI port, so I had to wait 2 days for an adaptor. And guess what? My new tablet's screen wasn't working properly! Haha! I tried it on every other computer and it worked on each one BUT MINE! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I also tried my dad's computer's second monitor and surprisingly it worked... So the only thing that didn't work was my tablet and my PC...
Greetings, friends and strangers, to my weird blog where I post nonsense about the things I do! Woohoo! Every artist starts somewhere, and most were inspired by one or more artists from somewhere. These are some of the artists which inspired me to start digital drawing myself! I am only mentioning 5 artists for this post because if I did all it would get way too loooonnnggg! By the way, a lot of these are cat animators... But when I got into the Warrior Cats series I found an entire animation community dedicated to that! So if it wasn't for Warriors, who knows what I'd be doing now! 🤔 #1 Louxie She is an amazing artist and animator; everything she draws or animates has so much detail! She is well known on YouTube for her OC (Original Character) Crowsong! But the cat in the picture is another OC, Magpiewing. I have chosen 2 animations she has done in the past few months to show you. The first one ("Like Ships") is more in a PMV style (Picture Music Video). The second ...
I LOVE this drawing, Yokoshi! Especially the attention to detail. The little tree reflecting in her eyes is so pretty! 🥰
ReplyDeleteOooh, this is so adorable. I love it. :)
Aww <3 How precious! It's very fitting for the holiday and also incredibly beautiful *heart eyes*