Happy Late Easter!

Hello, and Happy late Easter everyone! I know Easter was last Sunday and I got the pictures done on time, but I didn't get to making the post until today. My apologies for being late! ☺

This one is extra. I thought it was a funny idea. Does anything seem a little off to you...? 😏

~ Yokoshi 🐇


  1. Eeeeh, I LOVE them! They are so CUTE! :D
    Hm, I know what's strange in the second picture, but I won't spoil it (hehehe)...

  2. Oh my goodness!! They are so adorable <3 *squeals with delight* You're incredibly talented!

  3. Happy Late Easter! Your drawings are so adorable. Hmmmm, in the second picture it looks like a cat is trying to disguise himself/herself as a rabbit.


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