The Bloodless Halloween Post....

 Hello! πŸ•· It is "Spooky Month" and I have obviously drawn some art! This is the most Halloween art I have ever drawn at once! πŸ™€

A Ghost...

This is the first one I did this month! It is an OC I created for my little sister dressed as a ghost! πŸ‘» The OC has no official name though... Anyway, if she showed up at your door, would you give her candy? πŸ˜•πŸ¬

Hividah in a Pumpkin...?

This is another OC I created, but for my older sister. I named her Hividah after my sister's online persona. πŸ˜› This picture is also slightly based upon a picture Hividah took a few years back with her first kitty, Schiko, in a plastic pumpkin! 🐈

Vampire Michiko!

And this is the one I drew for my mom, featuring her cat, Michiko, dressed up as a vampire! πŸ§› Because, why not? It was fun to draw, and most of all, I absolutely love how it turned out! πŸ’–

Yokoshi the Witch

This one I drew as my OC I named Yokoshi. 🐱 She is dressed as a witch because when I was little the only thing I would want to dress up as was a witch! πŸ™ƒ


And now ,another thing I thought I'd show.... It is a little strange, but every year I draw a picture of the cats we lost throughout the years... Yeah... a little morbid, maybe? πŸ€”
But I thought I'd show how much I improved in 3 years! Just goes to show that practice makes perfect!

Kitty Ghosts 2021

This is the first, the one that started it all! The most cringiest! Hahaha... πŸ˜…
This one's a mess! The line-art is too thick, the cats look like worms, and of course, I hate this piece because what kind of an artist would I be if  I liked my old art? But to be fair, this is one of my first digital art pieces I've ever done, so...
Also, a little disclaimer... a lot of the cats floating in the background are cats that my mom had growing up and that our neighbor had in the past. Why the heck did I add them? I guess we'll never know...

Kitty Ghosts 2022

Finally, something less sloppy for your eyes! I drew this one a year later... There is a lot of improvement! I had developed a bit of a style, and I gave them back legs in this picture!!! Wow! It's not too bad... There are the one or more weird positions; Smokey (the black one) is one, and Talitha's tail (the gray and white one) is stiff looking. The tree branches look very squiggly, but overall I still like it! Also, for this one I left out a few of the cats that I had added in my original one.

Kitty Ghosts 2023

Now, it's time for this year's!!! I still suck at trees, but I am pretty proud of this one! (In a year I will probably hate it, lol). The cats look happier in this one than the previous ones. I also only added our own cats that we've lost. Sadly, there are a few new additions... but my sisters and I like to think of them as ghosts causing chaos wherever they float! πŸ‘»

Welp, I hope you had fun looking at this post! Which was you favorite picture out of the first 4? And what is your opinion of my improvement? 😜



  1. Aw these are all so adorable <3 I love the Halloween vibes. It was so cool to see your improvement from the past few years through Kitty Ghost, I love the idea. It's very sweet and super creative.


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